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Michelle Craig 399

16th ACI Golf Classic Taking Reservations Now!

Are you ready to play at Woodbridge Golf & Country Club on May 2nd?

An industry favorite, the Chapter's 16th ACI Golf Classic is scheduled to be held May 2nd at the beautiful Woodbridge Golf & Country Club in Woodbridge.  Co-Chairs Rowdy Cordero and Robert Hightower are once again teaming up to bring this event to golfers throughout the Chapter's geographical region.  Registration for sponsors, foursomes, and individual players is open now on the Chapter website!

Sponsor levels include Gold, Silver, Bronze, Beer, Longest Drive, Closest to Pin, and Dinner. Get your company's logo displayed in strategic places throughout the course!

 Registration price includes green fees, golf cart, and each player will receive a packable puffy jacket with the ACI Golf Classic logo, lunch prior to tee time, and a wonderful buffet dinner to wrap up their day.  Another highlight of this annual event, the evening raffle will follow dinner.  Prizes are hand selected by the event Co-Chairs and include some of the best swag any golfer would want.

Check-in will start at 10:00 am, followed by the shotgun start at 11:30 pm.  Detailed event and contact information is available at

Mark your calendar, put together your foursome, register early, and don't miss this great day on the course!

Thank You to our Current Sponsors:

Gold:     Nevada Cement Company, CalPortland, Salt River Materials Group

Silver:    Frank C. Alegre Trucking, Inc., Pan Pacific Cement

Longest Drive:    Arcosa Lightweight

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