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Michelle Craig 895

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Elected Officers & Directors

Submitted by the Tally Committee

Presenting The Chapter's New Board

President Paige Olsen
Busy Mom to Roy Laddie Olsen

Vice President Michael Smith
Manager of Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions - Cemex

Directors Newly Elected for Term 2024-2027
Jon Jackson - CFO, D'Ambra Concrete Equipment & Supply
Roberto Montes - Quality Assurance Manager, Mathews Ready Mix/American Ready Mix

Directors Continuing on the Chapter Board
     Terms Expiring in 2025
          Jim Ayala - Territory Sales Manager, Nevada Cement Company
          Vacancy - Appointee To Be Determined by Board of Directors
     Terms Expiring in 2026
          Chapin Fowler - Operations Manager, Frank C. Alegre Trucking
          Damien Bonis - QC Supervisor, Cemex

Committee on Nominations for 2025
(The committee solicits candidates for next year’s elections)

Chair:    Carolyn Phillips, Chapter Immediate Past President - Arcosa Lightweight
Past President:    Ash Wear - Cemex
     Stephan Buol - Teichert Rock Products
     Wiatt Chase - The Conco Companies
     Jose Garcia - California State University, Sacramento
     Patrick Malaspina - CalPortland
     Clay Slocum - California Nevada Cement Association

Thank you to all the volunteers who dedicate their time in support of this Chapter!

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