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Michelle Craig 359

December 13 - Holiday Social at Jackrabbit Brewing Co.

Nothing Says "the Holidays" Like Beer and Tacos

Make Your Reservations Today!

It's time to get into the spirit of the season with a night of food, fun, and socializing.

The Chapter will be hosting its annual Holiday Social at the Jackrabbit Brewing Company in West Sacramento on December 13th, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

In addition to all the great beers, guests are invited to enjoy the ultimate "Taco Party" dinner provided by Poco D Toto's Taco Truck!

The event is FREE to Chapter members and their invited guests. Guests may include spouses, significant others, coworkers, or business associates.

A tour of the brewery, including a beer tasting, is available for $20.00 per person.  Advance purchase is required!

Space is limited, so make your reservations NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 8th!  JUST CLICK HERE.

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