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Robert Lema 703

2023 Concrete Expo in Reno

Education and Networking on March 31

Who should attend? Engineers involved with design, construction, quality assurance, testing or maintenance of pavements or bridges. Consultants, architects, public works managers and engineers are also encouraged to attend with interested colleagues. University students are welcome.

The featured speaker will be Dr. Jason Weiss from Oregon State University. He is the Edwards Distinguished Chair in Engineering. Before joining Oregon State as the Head of the School of Civil and Construction Engineering (2015-2020) he was a faculty member at Purdue University for over 16 years where he held the position of the Jack and Kay Hockema Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Pankow Materials Laboratory. He earned a B.A.E. from the Pennsylvania State University and a MS and PhD from Northwestern University in 1997 and 1999 respectively. He is actively involved in research on cement and concrete materials specifically focused on early age property development, cracking, transport in concrete, and concrete durability. Specifically, he is known for research his group has performed in the areas of shrinkage and cracking reduction, the use of the ring and dual ring test, use of electrical resistivity and the formation factor, salt damage and oxychloride, use of internally cured concrete, and concrete pavement durability.


8:00 a.m. Registration / Breakfast                                        
9:00 a.m. First Session
Noon Lunch & Networking
1:00 P.M. Second Session
2:30 p.m. Break
2:45 p.m. Q&A






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