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Michelle Craig 317

17th ACI Golf Classic Is Almost Here!

Registration deadline is March 30th








The Chapter's 17th ACI Golf Classic is only a couple of weeks away, with the player registration closing on Friday, March 31st.  If you haven't already signed up your foursome, now is the time!  Registration price includes green fees, golf cart, an Eddie Bauer vest with the ACI Golf Classic logo, lunch prior to tee time, and a wonderful buffet dinner to wrap up the day.  Another highlight of this annual event, the evening raffle will follow dinner.  Prizes are hand-selected by the event Co-Chairs and include some of the best swag any golfer would want.  Check-in will start at 10:00 am, followed by the shotgun start at 11:30 am.  Detailed event and contact information is available at

We've had an unpresidented number of firms sign on as sponsors this year, and would like to thank each and every one of them for supporting the event.

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