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Michelle Craig 89

Structural 3D Concrete Printing

January 14th Joint Meeting w/SEAOCC at The Spaghetti Factory in Sacramento

January 14th is the Chapter's annual joint dinner and program with Structural Engineers Association of Central California (SEAOCC), hosted by The Spaghetti Factory in Sacramento, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Program:  Structural 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP)

Guest Speaker:
Don Ajamian, Owner/President of Emergent Construction

Structural 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) allows us to create beautifully organic shapes into an industry that has been defined by "straight, square, and plumb".  With this new tool, the design palette has expanded to allow for curves and shapes that were previously impractical.  Although 3DCP promises cost savings, increased sustainability, and energy efficiency, its wide acceptance will come from the public demand for the new design asthetic.  Round is the new square!

Please make your reservation by January 10th at
Chapter/ACI/SEAOCC Members - $45, Non-Members - $55

This event will also be available for in-person or Zoom attendance

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