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Robert Lema 646

2021 Concrete Construction Awards

Call for Entries - Submit Your Good Work!

For over 20 years, we have recognized concrete projects in our region through our construction awards.  We present awards to the entrant and to the project team, and host an event where the winning projects are presented. 

Our Chapter's Concrete Construction Awards program presents and honors the good work being done in our region that integrates creative techniques and technologies to meet economic, environmental, and aesthetic challenges. 

More than 100 worthy projects have been award recipients over the years -- from small, medium and large firms, from new and established businesses, and from commercial and governmental organizations. 

This year we have seven categories for projects:

  • Low-Rise Structures – Up to Three Stories 
  • Mid-Rise Structures – Four to Fifteen Stories
  • High-Rise Structures – More than Fifteen Stories
  • Infrastructure
  • Repair and Restoration 
  • Decorative Concrete
  • Flatwork   

Download and review the 2021 ACI Concrete Construction Awards packet. 

Thank you! 


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