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Michelle Craig 487

Chapter Executive Committee Approves Free FT1 Certification for 8 CPI Students

Chapter supports certification for service members

CPI is a nationwide non-profit foundation, official U.S. military active duty Career Skills Program, partner of the National Park Service, and partner of industry companies who sponsor its programs and hire its alumni. Its mission is to attract, support, train, and transition soon-to-be-veterans into trades and management careers in the growing and critical sector of the US economy responsible for designing, building, and maintaining structures and infrastructure. Its vision is to make the industry a primary choice for veterans and transform the framework for hiring them while engaging with expertise and resources to preserve landmark structures.

The Northern California & Western Nevada Chapter has been an avid supporter of the mission of CPI for many years.  Recently, CPI's Vice Presdient of Development & Marketing, Michael Farris, approached the Chapter to sponsor eight Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine service members participating in the spring career training session for the Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade 1 certification.

The Executive Committee unanimously approved bearing the full cost of the training materials, examination fees, and administrative costs for this group of candidates.  The Chapter's Certfiication Program Co-Manager, Tom Fourre, and a Chapter Certification Program staff member acting as the Supplemental Examiner have volunteered their time to put on the session.

The Chapter wishes these service members success in their certification endeavors and welcome them back to civilian life!

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