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Michelle Craig 341

Chapter Nominations Are Open!

A Great Opportunity to Get Involved

Chapter Elections are coming up, and Immediate Past President jaymi Fridley is inviting you to consider becoming a candidate or referring an associate.  (To see the current Officers, Board, and Committee Chairs, visit the Contact page on the Chapter website).

If you haven't reached out to Jaymi yet with your interest or referral, please take a moment and contact her at

Your industry experience and ideas can help make us a better Chapter. We began in 1958 as the second chartered ACI Chapter. There are now more than 100 ACI Chapters around the world. We have pioneered conducting Technical Certification classes for four decades. Our yearly events program includes dinner meetings, a golf tournament, and a concrete construction awards competition.

What positions are open? Candidates are still needed for Vice President, two Chapter Director positions, and five members of the Committee on Nominations. Directors serve three-year terms. All the other roles are one-year in length. Officers and Directors must be members of both ACI International and the Chapter. 

What is the time commitment? Serving on the Board of Directors means attending up to four or five board meetings a year that are held before an evening dinner event or around noon during the workweek, and choosing a committee or project to be involved with. Typically, board meetings take a couple of hours. Between board meetings, you will spend some time on the project or committee so that you can report progress at the next board meeting.

Are there other ways to get involved? If you cannot make time for an Officer or Director commitment, please consider joining one of the Chapter’s many committees.

Please contact Jaymi Fridley at 916-461-3345 or if you have questions, are interested in serving, or have suggestions for candidates.

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