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Michelle Craig 936

Annual Business Meeting Wrap-Up

Installation of Officers, Miniature Golf, Networking, and Fun

Chapter members and their significant others turned out for an evening honoring the retiring officers and directors, congratulating the newly elected officers and Board members, playing some highly contested rounds of miniature golf, and just having good old fashioned fun!

Retiring President Jaymi Fridley opened the installation portion of the program by acknowledging her support team of officers, directors, Committee Chairs, and staff for their hard work and commitment during her term, presenting each of them with a small gift in appreciation.  She noted that transitioning back to in-person events was a challenge, but welcomed by the Chapter members.  The Certification Program continues to grow to meet the demand of a very active industry.  She summarized her remarks with the introduction of incoming President Ash Wear, and the traditional "passing of the gavel".

President Wear named the 2022-2023 officers and directors who will serve with him, and spoke of his appreciation in being a part of this industry - and especially this Chapter.  He will continue to usher the Chapter forward in this time of the "new normal", and is appreciative of the support and knowledge the members and staff provide.  Wrapping up this portion of the program, he presented Immediate Past President Fridley with a shirt proudly touting her greatest ability - which read "Multi Task - My Superpower" across the back.  She was also presented with a gift card, and a crystal award with the following inscription commemorating her service:

Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers,
who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt
to offer a solution everybody can understand.
2021 - 2022 President
Jaymi L. Fridley

Business Administration Manager Miki Craig closed the evening with a golf- and brew-themed raffle.  Congratulations to the winners who will be enjoying a crate of high quality golf training tools, a crate of five exclusive beer glasses accompanied by the proper brews to put in them, two golf ball whiskey glasses and a fine scotch to fill them with, and other related novelty gift items.

The Chapter would like to thank Flatstick Pub and its staff for a delicious dinner, some mighty fine adult beverages, and a truly enjoyable evening!

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