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Ashley Wear 530

Enhancing the Member Experience

A Message from Chapter President Ash Wear

I am very excited for the opportunity to serve as president of our local ACI chapter.

Over the past few years, our local chapter has had to adapt and overcome some significant obstacles. First, California Assembly Bill 5 went into effect on January 1, 2020, and required reclassification of the Certification Program staff from independent contractors to employees of the Chapter.  While adjusting to this major change in our employment structure, the pandemic hit, necessitating the cancellation of Chapter meeting activities for much of 2020 and 2021. When we were able to resume in-person Chapter events, there were strict new guidelines that needed to be implemented and carefully followed. If not handled correctly, the impact of these two historical events would have been detrimental to the Chapter.

Through strong leadership, determination, and dedication from our past presidents, Board, and employees, our Chapter was able to weather the storms. We are returned to a level of normalcy, which allows us to focus on our mission:  “To advance knowledge, promote education, and enhance networking among concrete industry professionals”.

I would like to thank all of those who helped the Chapter navigate through these challenging times. I am looking forward to supporting the Chapter and finding ways to continue enhancing our member experience.

Ash Wear
Chapter President, 2022-2023

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