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Robert Lema 402

President's Message

2022 Milestones and 2023 Opportunities

Closing out 2022 marks our Chapter’s 64th year in operation. I would like to take a minute to reflect on the year, highlight some of the Chapter’s success in 2022, and give a snapshot of what is to come in 2023.

Last year was one of our Chapter’s most successful years in certification candidate reservations. We are up 5% from 2021 and up 56% from 2020. Our Chapter dedicates a lot of resources to managing and staffing our certification programs. Healthy reservation numbers allow us to maximize the number of certification categories we offer and gives us more flexibility when it comes to the locations we provide certifications.

None of our success would be possible if it were not for the team of dedicated individuals supporting our Chapter. I would like to thank all our staff, Board of Directors and committee members for their contributions throughout the year.

Our regional industry is returning to normal after the shutdown and challenging supply chain issues. The silver lining of the slowdown was that we had time available to review our structure and processes and update them so that now we could execute our work more efficiently. 

Starting off our 2023 Chapter events on January 10, we hosted ACI President Dr. Charles Nmai on the Delta King, an enjoyable setting and event.

Student Nights are coming up this month for CSUC and next month for SJSU, and take the form of panels of graduates discussing their own transition from student to professional. I was a CSUC CIM student years ago, and I considered the Student Night a great opportunity to hear from professionals, and to present myself to potential future employers. After the event I emailed panel members and others and thanked them for being part of the event. As an employer, you should attend the Student Nights to engage with motivated and very able students that would be real assets to your business.

On March 31, SNCA and the Chapter are hosting the 2023 Concrete Expo at the Peppermill in Reno. It’s great to have the event resume after several years. Please take a look at the Expo information on the Chapter website or signup at, You can also use this Short Link.

Are you ready for the 17th ACI Golf Classic on April 10 at Woodbridge? We’re holding the event a month earlier than usual, but with the same goals – networking, fun, competition and prizes. Check out the Golf Classic signup information on the website.

And don’t forget the 2023 Spring ACI Concrete Convention in San Francisco from April 2 to 6. For complete information and to signup, take a look at or use this Short Link.

I hope to see you soon at one of our events, and on behalf of the Chapter Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and volunteers, thank you so much for your continued support!

Ash Wear
Chapter President, 2022-2023



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