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Robert Lema 305

From 2023-2024 Chapter President Carolyn Phillips

Our Chapter has responded to challenges for 65 years

I am excited to further our mission. 

Thank you for affording me the opportunity to serve as your Chapter President this year.

I look forward to responding together to whatever challenges come our way. Our multi-year experience with COVID-19 restrictions, and finding ways to continue our Certification sessions, demonstrates how our Board and members work together to achieve common goals.

We follow our Mission Statement: To advance knowledge, promote education, and enhance networking among concrete industry professionals.

I am excited to further our Mission, by enhancing our network of concrete professionals with the participation of college students from Chico State, Sacramento State, and San Jose State Universities. The Chapter has done an outstanding job of supporting students as they navigate through their education and then find their professional fit in the concrete industry. They are the future of ACI and with your help we can assure the Chapter maintains the high standards that we’ve all worked so hard to achieve.

The Northern California & Western Nevada Chapter has a history of excellence. We are celebrating our 65th anniversary due to the support of our members and volunteers, so thank you for helping make our Chapter a success!

I want to hear your ideas and concerns. 

Carolyn Phillips
Chapter President, 2023-2024  

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