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Robert Lema 75

2024 Concrete Construction Awards

Regional concrete awards in eight categories

A Message from Michael Smith
Chapter Vice President and 2024 CCA Chair

Join us by submitting your project – at no cost – for one of our regional Concrete Construction Awards (CCA) in eight categories.

Learn More and Download Your Entry Form
For 2024, the regional CCA has eight project categories:

  • Low-Rise Structures – Up to Three Stories
  • Mid-Rise Structures – Four to Fifteen Stories
  • High-Rise Structures – More than Fifteen Stories
  • Bridges - New Category
  • Infrastructure
  • Repair and Restoration
  • Decorative Concrete
  • Flatwork 

We look forward to recognizing interesting projects in a variety of categories with innovative ways to meet the challenges involved, and will be submitted by governmental jurisdictions, contractors, and material suppliers.

ENTRY DEADLINE: Friday, October 18, 2024

If you have questions, please contact us. 
We can help answer questions about entering!

Michael Smith, Chapter Vice President 
and Concrete Construction Awards Chair
916.884.4760  •

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